A young man and a young woman lift a baby girl. All three are smiling.

Therapy app for parents suffering from addiction

It is a great challenge for addicted parents to remain abstinent and to fulfill their role as parents appropriately. The project Elternsein motiviert und abstinent (Elma) supports those affected with a therapy-accompanying app.
Do you have questions about the app? Here you can find

The situation of affected families

In Baden-Württemberg, 250,000 children live in families with a parent suffering from addiction. These mothers and fathers are often also affected by other mental illnesses. Children from these families have poorer opportunities for social participation and education and a significantly increased risk of developing a mental illness or addiction themselves in the course of their lives.

This is precisely where Elma comes in and sets itself the task of improving the abstinence and parenting skills of addicted parents.

Taking therapy into everyday life

Treatment is more effective if the patient or client also engages with the therapy content between sessions and applies it. In stressful everyday family life, however, it is often difficult to put what has been learned into practice. An app on your own smartphone can make this easier.